The interplay between stillness and motion is at the heart of my Immersive Lings. To study the subject, first in its entirety (stillness) leads to new discoveries as the Lings transform and flow, creating their dynamic narrative. Ling in Mandarin roughly translates as the "essence"; thus, GrapeLings are the essence of the grape, RockLings are the essence of the rock...ShroomLings-WineLings-LeafLings-TreeLings-LightLings-VineLings. The gentle transition from stillness to motion shift viewers from being passive observers to active participants in the art's multi layered story. Each viewer will have a uniquely personal experience as they re-interpret, re-examine, and interact with the unfolding storyline. This is the power of Immersive Art. Its ability to engage, inspire, question and make new connections based upon personal experiences.
My Immersive Lings are available in a range of sizes. From intimate 12"tabletops to captivating wall decor up to 85", or how about a 50+ foot custom production for your next event or activation? The cultural world is familiar with Slow-food, Slow-wine, I would like to introduce to you a third and timely new culture, "Slow-tech"
In our current state of hyperstimulation (constant pings, notifications, ads, breaking news, hype, etc), our minds are racing and becoming overloaded. Just as tech can stress, I believe it can also relax. Tech can isolate, but it can also unite. Tech can dominate our lives, but it can also enrichen our lives. These are some of the principals that led to my exploration and use of slow-tech, as well as study of neuro-aesthetics. The myriad of philosophy, techniques, neuroscience, applications and potential that are underpinning my Immersive Lings are better suited for a conversation over a glass of wine...